My heart is happy and full to be once again living in a foreign city amongst people who have different cultures and accents. London, so far, has been amazing. I absolutely love it. I love the people and the weather and the city and the public transportation and the accents. Can we talk about the fact that I am now living in a place where men's voices are attractive whether or not they themselves are physically attractive. Not to mention the ones that actually are attractive. Talk about single girl problems. And, can we discuss the weather?! It rained ALL DAY today. Talk about the dream!

Things I do to pass the time, since I know you are curious:
A friend of mine is in town for the week and so we met up with our local Londoner friend yesterday!! We had a cliche pub outing last night and plan to get high tea later this week! I can hardly contain my excitement!
I've never read the Harry Potter books, I know, I know, I have no excuse, but I was one of those kids whose parents wouldn't let them read the books when they came out in 3rd grade. However, now I am in London and can experience them in the best way possible, in British English. So I picked the first book up a couple days ago and am ready for the second.
I've been working on my hand lettering, This reflective time has pulled up a lot of great quotes I forgot or am just now discovering, and I need to be creative sometime now and again. Also, I was picking up a few things for my room and stumbled upon the cutest craft and art supplies store, so I had to buy some paper and markers, it is in my blood.
I have started running again. If you know anything about me, it's that I love to run. However, the past year I have not been motivated to do so for various reasons, mostly concerning my most previous relationship. But, I came to London a new woman! And today was the day my running began again. And what a fine day to start, running in the rain through Kensington Park this morning set my entire day on a beautiful path.

Today is a holiday in London, it is Bank Holiday, so my student hall had brunch (so fancy, right?) and after my run I read some Harry Potter (the Philosopher's Stone edition) and started working on my blog template. It is quite the upgrade is it not?
I have also made some new friends, which have been such a God send. I met an American who works in my student hall who has been an answer to prayer. I met her the day before my family left and I think it was much easier on my mom to leave knowing that I have at least one friend! The amazing thing about the place I am staying is the staff. They are volunteers from all over the world! For example, last night a few of us watched a movie, so, there were two Americans, a Russian, and a South Korean, and I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Everyone has such great spirits here, I can't wait to meet more people. God knew where to put me.
More provision from Him, the location of this place. If you don't know, the area I am is one of the most expensive places to live, but somehow I can afford this place on my meager student budget (which is tighter than its ever been). I also get meals provided, and am only a 7 minute walk from my school, Kensington Palace, and a big shopping street (which will turn out to be a bad thing for my wallet I'm afraid).
But, now I must call it a night, although they were short and sweet, I have updated you on the latest happenings of my life and now you can go about the rest of your day knowing full well that I am content and safe here in good old London town.
I'm so glad you're settling in well, friend! Life in London seems like a dream!